I've been pondering this word for the past few days as someone used it with me and I was disturbed by the manner in which it was used. I wondered in what manner and to what I was held to by obligation...and I found there was little. I don't do much out of obligation except likely my job because they pay me a salary. Obligation to me holds behind it a sense of resentment I think, or drudgery.
Most of the things I do in my life, from menial to the truly important and impactful, have nothing to do with obligation and everything to do with love. While even love comes with a certain obligation, the feeling that it is obligation wanes with the power of the love. When I think of how God loves me, and the Creator of the Universe certainly holds no obligation to love me, then why should I hold to that when I act. I love, therefore I act...for love is no feeling, flighty and fanciful, but commitment in perseverance...reliable, bright, resolute and constant. Love bans obligation from all its actions.
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