-No one should name their child Dudley
-Three-headed dogs should have a more manly name than Fluffy
-Regular spiders are creepy; giant talking spiders with a gazillion babies are terrifying
-The only good Basilisk is a blind, dead Basilisk
-Phoenix tears are handy
-Werewolves are really very nice except for a bad day or two once a month, as a woman I can relate to this
-All girls should move with flourish and produce butterflies when they walk like the girls from Beauxbatons
-Robert Pattinson made a better Cedric than an Edward.
- Goblet of Fire was the last fun HP before they all got dark and really creepy
-"We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. " Truth, Sirius, truth.
-Centaurs are effective in the punishment of Pepto Bismol-wearing, kitten-loving nags
-Brooding white-blonde young men should be avoided at all costs
-Sometimes what appears as the greatest evil can be used for the greatest good...good-bye Albus.
-Magic tents are the bomb...seriously...compact and roomy.
-Witch girls named Luna were hippies in another life.
-Wands are finicky and should not be trusted.
-Oh Severus...what a man will do for the love of a woman...and her son by another man, namely her husband.
-Harry looks good at 35.
There has been much said about the Harry Potter books and movies over the years...especially in Christian circles...most of it not very positive. When the books first came out, my kids were 10, 7 & 5 and they were avid readers. There was and always has been talk of limiting exposure (and outright banning) of the books to protect our children from unsafe and evil influences. It has never been my way. I want my children to know strength in their convictions, and to be discerning in their choices. I never could be with them all the time...screening the movies or television they watch, the music they listen to, where they surf the internet, or the books they read. So when the books came out, I read the first three to them and we talked about what was good, what wasn't and whether they were worth their while to read.
We have all read them...the characters are solid, the storyline full bodied and engaging....I am not a fan of fads and immersion into the storylines...idolization basically. I am just talking about entertainment...Harry Potter is a classic story about the struggle between good and evil. There are parallels to Christianity...though Rowling would deny it...I can see truth there. I am not going to base my theology on the books...but I can see the good.
So thanks Harry, for the entertainment...it has been a literary and cinematic era...one we will continue to enjoy from time to time....
On another note, I watched all eight HP films in the space of 46 hours this weekend...this is why I fill my time with other things the majority of the year...my life would be all books and movies other wise...
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