Well mostly I find dust bunnies behind my doors and I am not overly grateful for them. However I do have a number of doors in my life, both literal and figurative and the people and things I find behind them are a mixed blessing. Some I am mightly glad to open, like my front door at the end of a difficult work day, and some that are more difficult to walk through, like the doors in my mind locked shut against the true motives for some of my actions...I like those things to stay behind those doors. But the joy of the dare, is to find the gifts and so I have.
1. I spent most of my afternoon at work opening and closing the blasted doors of the blasted photocopier trying to find the blasted little bit of a piece of paper that was jamming it up and feeling mighty frustrated, which may have compounded by the line up of teachers needing their stuff copied. There was not a lot of joy behind these doors, until I opened the one where I had success at finding the offending paper bit. Oh, the joy to have succeeded at the quest and having powered the beast up again. It's a bit of an allegory here...we sometimes have to persevere with the doors in our lives, opening up a lot of duds before we find what we looking for, or at least what we need. But there is such relief in the eventual success of doggedness.
2. My boss has been holding 'fireside chats' these last few days. It's just a way for him to find out what is going on with his staff, their successes and frustrations in the current year, their intentions for the coming year. I spend a short 1/2 hour in conversation with him in conversation, and he's only been my boss since November. But man, I am loving my job, the new duties, the satisfaction of doing good work, helping people...and I told him so. And then he gave me some lovely complements on my work and demeanor and how 'I care for people'. It actually brought a lump to my throat...because at the heart of who I am is a lover of people and most of the time, I just love them because I know God loves me, and so I love them for Him. But it's kinda nice to have someone notice it in me and thank me for it. I don't 'need' it, I'd do it anyway without the thanks, but it's nice to hear it sometimes. An unexpected gift.
3. Behind the door of our rehearsal hall at church tonight we held dinner theatre auditions. Can I just say that theatre hums in my blood? It is just an integral part of my make up...how I'm wired. Behind this door, a three and half month process began that gives me a chance to bring together as a director a community of like-minded people to bring to the stage , in this case a brilliant comedy, to draw others to a church, some for the first time to darken its doorstep and so begin a step towards a different eternity. How like God is that...that He would wire and gift us in a specific way, give us an opportunity to use the gifting in a way that totally floats our boat and builds a tight-knit community, and gives it an eternal purpose to bring good and glory to His name? That is THEE best gift.
Just open the doors...
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