I am a writer by nature and by nature too, a communicator. I find gifts in words all the time, daily even. Words are just words until they are strung together, one after another until the lyrical forms and becomes poetry and song, and prose and story and dialogue and sweet heaven to my eyes and ears and heart.
1. '' To see a World in a Grain of Sand And Heaven in a Wild Flower,Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour...''-William Blake (A FB post)
2. I had intended on calling you and thanking you for your sincere compassion this morning.
I really do appreciate your concern and your prayers. Your email brought tears to my eyes-the good ones ;) and I can not thank you enough for your kind words and blessings. (email from a co-worker whom I had sent a word of encouragement to)
3. I am in a period of reflection...like I'm sitting on the dock watching deep dark clouds roll away and taking stock of the damage, wondering if I am still intact...not wanting to move from the chair...I shiver at the thought of the fight, but see through the clouds that the sun is there...none of it was in vain... (from my own blog writing a few months ago)
All written word has value of some kind...to explain, to bring knowledge, understanding, to inform good and bad. The words of the heart, though describing self, and others, and humanity and relationship, those are the true gifts....The Bible brings such great wisdom, and love, and revelation....I could write out a thousand gifts from it each day, but instead I write them on my heart.
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