Three gifts that changed today...
Okay, so I am little confused here....does this mean the gifts changed, or that the gifts that came changed what my day would have been like without them? I like the latter better so I think that I will go with that perspective. You know I actually think about this a fair bit...what little thing happened in your day that changed a direction that you took, or changed your mind about something and ended up having a greater impact than you thought...
1. I got a great night's sleep last night...I went to bed earlier than normal. I slept well, right through the night and woke up before my alarm feeling pretty wide awake and refreshed. My back wasn't achy and I didn't feel like I wanted to pull my blankets over my head and roll over for at least another two hours. I got up willingly, not dragging my butt and was able to take some extra time just getting myself ready without rushing. It put a whole different spin on my day. I actually just sat for about 10 minutes in the quiet and thanked God. I used to have my quiet time with God every morning...not long just 10 or 15 minutes...not bible reading, but just praising Him for the day and being quiet with Him. Because my sleep patterns have been a little wacko lately, I haven't done that in a while and I have had a lot of bad mornings. I had SUCH a good morning this morning...I was happier, more relaxed and felt better about myself and it was a great gift.
2. I hang out with high school students on Wednesday nights. My role is actually to mentor/help out other female youth leaders...just encourage them and build them up. But tonight because some of the leaders were away I got to sit in on a small group discussion time with some grade 10 girls. These are probably the girls I know the least in the whole group so it was lovely just to get to know them a bit...to figure out their personalities, hear their hearts on God and the universe, and pray for them. This really is my calling from God....I can't even really explain it in words; sometimes it's so overwhelming. But I truly do love these young ladies...all of them, even the ones I have just met. When I am with them, they are the most important people in the world to me...so to have a chance to get closer to just a few of them, is a gift that made my day just that much better.
3. My honey kissed me good night just a few minutes ago and went off to bed. That is pretty usual actually. But he told me he missed me tonight when I was away at youth tonight and that he was glad we'd be together tomorrow night. He got a few extra smooches for his good night kiss tonight. And I got a rather lovely sweet mushiness swirling around in my head and a smile on my face...I think my dreams will be sweeter tonight than they might have been.
Letting your day be changed I think, is part what happens to you, but in a larger part it's your attitude about it all. While my body let me get a good night sleep, leaders were missing tonight at youth, or my honey kissing me goodnight....all those little gifts could have been for naught, if my attitude in receiving them had been different....using the extra time for something besides quiet time, moaning over having to take over for others, brushing off an offhand comment by my husband....instead I took advantage of the 'changes' and the gifts came in abundance. It was a good day.
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